Tier PreSale Launch

A Tier PreSale Launch involves setting a Softcap and a Hardcap, with the sale being successful only if the Softcap is reached. You will also need to set minimum and maximum contribution limits and lock at least 51% of the sale proceeds in liquidity. After the sale concludes, you will have access to a FINALIZE button.

What sets a Tier PreSale Launch apart from a standard presale is the inclusion of linear stages. This means you can set it up so that early investors receive a better price than those who invest later.

The sale can be configured as either Whitelisted, allowing only specified wallet addresses to participate, or Public, enabling anyone to buy in.


In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency, the Tier PRESALE emerges as a groundbreaking model, fundamentally reshaping the trajectory of token launches. This innovative approach orchestrates a meticulously structured process wherein token prices ascend gradually until a predefined pinnacle, embodying the essence of fair distribution and equitable access.

At its core, the Tier PRESALE mechanism is designed to incentivize early participation while instilling confidence in the community through its transparent and inclusive nature. Unlike traditional token launches characterized by sudden spikes or unpredictable fluctuations, the Tier PRESALE offers a strategic progression, rewarding early adopters while fostering a level playing field for all participants.

The essence of this model lies in its ability to adapt and evolve with the dynamic market conditions, ensuring optimal engagement and fostering a sense of trust among stakeholders. By enabling investors to acquire tokens at various price points based on the timing of their investment, the Tier PRESALE structure not only encourages early involvement but also promotes a more diversified and resilient token holder base.

Moreover, the Tier PRESALE serves as a catalyst for community-driven growth and innovation, empowering participants to actively contribute to the project's success. Through transparent communication and strategic planning, this model cultivates a vibrant ecosystem built on the principles of fairness, inclusivity, and sustainability.

In essence, the Tier PRESALE represents a paradigm shift in token launch dynamics, offering a harmonious blend of innovation, integrity, and opportunity. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, this model stands as a beacon of progress, ushering in a new era of decentralized finance characterized by accessibility, transparency, and empowerment

Steps to Create a Tier PreSale Launch:

  1. Ensure your wallet holds at least the number of tokens required for the sale, as you will need to deposit them.

  2. Set the Softcap and Hardcap for the sale.

  3. Establish the minimum and maximum contribution limits.

  4. Define the linear stages to incentivize early investors.

  5. Decide whether the sale will be Whitelisted or Public.

Create your Tier PreSale Launch today and take advantage of this structured and incentivized method to raise funds for your project. [link]

Last updated