Sales Data

Pre Sale


    1. Listing DEX: Select the DEX. (Drop Down choices for each chain)

    2. Base Token: LP Pair Token

    3. Unsold Tokens: The developer has the option to either burn or refund any unsold tokens from the presale pool

    4. PreSale Rate: Amount of token per each Base Pair token in presale.

    5. Dex Listing Rate: Amount of token per each Base Pair token in opening.

    6. Dex Liquidity (%): Minimum 51%. If Buy Back & Burn eis nabled, the combined value can be 51%.

    7. Locked (enter in days). MInimum 14 days.

    8. Soft Cap: This is in Pair Token. Lowest cap of the project. Min.25% of Harc Cap.

    9. Hard Cap: Maximum amount to be raised in Pair Token.

    10. Minimum Buy: Minimum purchase in Pair Token

    11. Maximum Buy: Maximum purchase in Pair Token

    12. Start Date: Starting Time and Date in UTC (mm/dd/yyyy xx:xx )

    13. End Date: Ending Time and Date in UTC (mm/dd/yyyy xx:xx )

    14. Estimated Launch Time: Estimated Launch (optional) Time and Date in UTC (mm/dd/yyyy xx:xx )

    15. Next: Review Summary and click “Next”: to go to “Options” Page.

Last updated