Withdrawing your Contribution

Incase the pool is cancelled

In the event that the soft cap for a presale is not met, and participants wish to withdraw their contributions, they must wait until the presale concludes. Here are the formal steps to withdraw contributions:

  1. Wait for Presale Conclusion: Participants must patiently await the conclusion of the presale before initiating the withdrawal process.

  2. Initiate Withdrawal: Once the presale has ended, participants can proceed to withdraw their contributions by clicking on the designated "Withdrawal Contribution" button.

  3. Confirm Transaction: Following the selection of the withdrawal option, the Phantom wallet interface will prompt for transaction confirmation. It will display associated transaction fees for review. If in agreement, participants should click on the "Confirm" button to finalize the process.

  4. Transaction Verification: After confirming the transaction, participants should verify the successful completion of the withdrawal by checking the balance of their wallet. The returned SOL should be reflected therein.

  5. Review Wallet Balance: Participants are advised to regularly monitor the balance of their wallet to ensure the SOL has been successfully returned.

By adhering to these formalized steps, participants can efficiently navigate the process of withdrawing their contributions in the event of a presale not meeting its soft cap, ensuring transparency and adherence to protocol.

Last updated