Liquidity Lock (Days)

The minimum lock period for liquidity is set at 14 days, with a recommended lock period of 180 days or more. Locking liquidity for a minimum period of 14 days ensures that initial liquidity remains stable and accessible on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) during the crucial early stages of token trading.

However, extending the lock period to 180 days or more is recommended for several reasons. Firstly, it provides greater assurance of long-term liquidity stability, as locked liquidity cannot be removed from the pool for an extended period. This helps to prevent sudden liquidity drains that could negatively impact token prices and trading activity.

Moreover, a longer lock period demonstrates commitment and confidence in the project from liquidity providers and token holders. It signals to the community that the project is focused on its long-term success and growth, which can bolster investor trust and attract more liquidity to the pool.

Overall, setting a minimum lock period of 14 days with a recommended lock period of 180 days or more strikes a balance between providing immediate liquidity and ensuring long-term stability and confidence in the token ecosystem.

Last updated