Step 3 Finalizing Sale

To finalize a sale on a presale page, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Presale Page: Go to the presale page of the project or sale you're participating in.

  2. Wait for Timer Completion: Wait until the timer indicates the duration of the presale period expires. Once the timer reaches zero, the finalize button should become available.

  3. Click on the Owner Tab: Look for an option or tab labeled "Owner" on the presale page. Click on it to access additional options related to the presale.

  4. Find the "Finalize Sale" Button: Within the Owner section, you should see a button labeled "Finalize Sale." Click on this button to proceed with finalizing the sale.

  5. Confirm the Transaction: After clicking on the "Finalize Sale" button, you may be prompted to confirm the transaction. Follow any on-screen prompts or instructions to complete the finalization process.

  6. Review Confirmation: Once the transaction is confirmed, review the confirmation message or any transaction details provided to ensure that the sale has been successfully finalized.

By following these steps, you can finalize a sale on a presale page once the timer has expired. Make sure to double-check all details before confirming the transaction to avoid any mistakes.

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