Sales Vesting Program

Pre Sale

Presale Vesting System Summary

The Presale Vesting System on RogerPad is designed to enhance market stability and protect investor interests by:

  • Systematically locking tokens allocated to presale investors, preventing disruptive sell-offs at listing time.

  • Mitigating price volatility and maintaining investor confidence by controlling the release of tokens over time.

  • Promoting healthy market development through structured token distribution, fostering organic price discovery.

  • Supporting project sustainability by providing a disciplined framework for token vesting, ensuring long-term stability.

  • Prioritizing transparency and market integrity, reinforcing RogerPad's commitment to responsible token distribution and a stable investment landscape.

This system empowers projects to confidently navigate token launches, ensuring their success in the dynamic digital asset ecosystem.

1. Token release on launch (%): Amount of token to be released on percentage (%) on launch

2. Cliff : Extra delay in days before first vesting cycle.

3. Token release per vesting cycle (%): Amount of token to be released on each cliff.

4. Vesting period each cycle (days): Enter interval days of release of tokens.

Last updated